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Metro Hotels Pinks Up for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

September 30, 2019 01:10:16 PM

The McGrath Foundation raise money to fund McGrath Breast Care Nurses who provide invaluable support and care to women and men experiencing breast cancer. From diagnosis right throughout treatment, McGrath Breast Care Nurses are available to help individuals and their families for free and with no referral. That’s why they need support to help fund their incredible efforts.

Metro Hotels will donate $1 from each direct website booking received from 1 October – 31 October 2019 to the McGrath Foundation.

“Direct website booking” refers to Metro Hotels’ website

The total donation amount will directly relate to the number of bookings received as at midnight 31 October 2019 for the month of October.

The donation will be made directly to the McGrath Foundation and for our guests who wish to make additional donations, please do so directly on the McGrath Foundation website.

Come on & pink up this October!
