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Metro Aspire Hotel, Sydney - Sydney Festival

Rating 4
Rating 4
Rating 4
Rating 4
Rating 4

Sydney Festival is the event we all need in 2024! With laughs, music, art, theatre and so much more!

Sydney Festival

Sydney Festival


Sydney Festival, an annual event with a superb line-up of theatre, music, cabaret, dance and visual art. This family friend event offers many free shows as well as ticketed events across Sydney in venues such as Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney Opera House and The Domain. The Sydney Festival will be held between 05 to 28 January 2024.


“We’ve created a festival that is indoors, outdoors, and online at home. So we feel that we’ve got a festival that caters to the varying levels of Sydneysiders’ confidence to get out there, post the latest lockdown, and experience summer,” says new artistic director Olivia Ansell.


Don’t miss this event. Find affordable city accommodation in Sydney today. For information, visit


